
Free download crystal report 9 for vb6 string
Free download crystal report 9 for vb6 string

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' check for an exception on the page number ' there are sub cases for each viewer type ' This case statement determines what action to perform based on CMD

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' If there is a TTL_INFO then create the gvTotallerInfo array that represents it.Ĭall GetDrillDownCoordinates(COORD, glX, glY) ' If there is a GRP then create the gvGroupLevel array that represents it. ' If there is a BRCH then create the gvGroupPath array that represents it. GvURL = "htmstart.asp?brch= " & BRCH & "& " TmpArray(val + 4) = session("LastPageNumber " ) TmpArray(val + 3) = session("lastknownpage " ) TmpArray(val + 2) = session("CurrentPageNumber " ) TmpArray(val + 1) = session("lastBrch " ) ' if there is branch information it needs to be passed along. ' htmstart is the base page that creates the frames for the HTML viewer ' INIT is a special QS case, we only care about HTML viewer, if it is then save send page and branch info End Else If IsObject(session( " oPageEngine")) Then set session( " oPageEngine") = nothing End If set session( " oPageEngine") = session( " oRpt").PageEngineĬall session("oEMF " ).StreamImage(IMAGE, DEL) %> 0 Then Response.Write " Error Occurred Reading Records: " & Err.Description Session( " oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False Session( " oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False Set Session( " oRpt") = nothing Set Session( " oApp") = nothing If Err.Number 0 Then Response.Write " Error Occurred creating Report Object: " & Err.Description Wend If IsObject(session( " oRpt")) then Set session( " oRpt") = nothing End if On error resume next Set session( " oRpt") = session( " oApp").OpenReport(path & reportname, 1)

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